Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wine. Canvas. Charity. WINE!

Well this week was jammed packed and FUN! We finally had our Wine and Canvas Event. BUT before I went - I got this letter. Once again grounding me right back at why I am doing what I am doing.

So inspired ... I went off to Wine and Canvas. Cool concept - they serve you wine and teach you how to paint. Great Girls Night Out! But beware - you get a blank canvas ... some of us thought that you would be able to just fill in the paint. I had a great turn out .... 45 PEOPLE! ... and I thank each and every one of them.

Here are some great images of the night!

Thanks Again to everyone who came out and supported a great cause and had some fun. As always if you would like to donate directly to the cause here is my site :

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where in the world have I been ...

Where in the world have I been? Well in the last five weeks i have spent the night in Chicago, a night in the hospital, 4 nights in Boston, a night in NYC and one in Columbia MO! But through it all I have not taken my eye off my goal of becoming Woman of the Year. I am actually home ( after this flight that I am on to Memphis and the final leg to Indy ) until May 15th - the day after the final gala!

In that time I do have 2 very exciting events in my life. I am going to my baby cousins wedding. She was like my real life baby doll when I was growing up .... Since I was the oldest and she the youngest. ( although i did have 2 little sisters - they always lived with me and Lindsay went home :) ). The second is I am going to become an aunt for the second time in my life. My sister is giving me the best present a sister can give you. The chance to be an aunt. If you are around me for an hour - you are bound to hear a Mason story! I apologize now because it will probably be shortened to 45 minutes with this new peanut ( I should actually say 30 minutes --- because I have definitely added Bauer Morris into the mix of stories and pictures! )

As you can tell I have been enthralled with children forever! With that being said - I came into work on Monday to the best voicemail ever. A voicemail from Luke - the boy of the year that I am raising money on behalf of. I even played it for a colleague! It is a great grounding to remind me why what I am doing is so important!

Remember his story :

I wanted to remind everyone of 2 events that I have coming up:

Tuesday April 26 th at Wine and Canvas
Sign up at - choose events and Indianapolis.
On the calendar choose April 26 th and the fundraising option $45

Saturday April 30 th Mommy and me mini photo sessions.
An amazing photo session by photography genius Sara Morris. Check out her blog:

Luke and his mom modeled for the flyer to promote the event! ( Sara is also the person behind the lens on my picture for the campaign website and this blog! )
You can contact her for more information at

And guys .... Stay tuned for a competitive event around the corner!

If you are from out of town and wish to support my cause here is my campaign website :

If you have not been following my complete story read the previous blog posts!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

1 Year Ago ...

1 Year ago Butler was in the final game of the NCAA Championship and I was headed to Brazil. I am so excited to say this year I will listen to the game with English commentatetors and that Butler is back.

Brazil was definitely something out of the norm for me. I feel that I took advantage of it to its fullest. Numerous trips to Rio ...

Made life long new friends and learned about myself.

This year - this week was just as exciting, but in a completely different way. I actually spent 2 days of the last week in the hospital - with Kidney Stones. NOT FUN. But much of the time I was there I thought about Luke and Rilee and how brave they must be while they are in the hospital. While I am doing better now - I am even more motivated to do well in this fundraising. I am really enjoying this years adventure and have about 6 more weeks of the Woman of the Year campaign. Look out for new events to come .... They are going to be FUN!

If you would like to donate to my cause here is my website: